
Showing posts from December, 2008

Using Spring.NET to load data to DataTable

public class Program { static void Main( string [] args) { IDbProvider provider = new DbPath(" server ", " database ").DbProvider; TestDao dao = new TestDao(provider); DataTable dt = dao.Select(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Console.WriteLine( string .Format(" {0}: {1} ",row[" Id "],row[" Name "])); } Console.ReadLine(); } } class DbPath { private const string connectionString = @" Persist Security Info=False; Integrated Security=SSPI; Server={0}; Database={1}; Connect Timeout={2} "; private readonly string server; private readonly string database; private int timeout = 30; public DbPath( string server, string database) { this .server = server; this .database = database; } public string ConnectionString { get { return string .Format(connectionString,server,database,timeout); } } public IDbProvider Db...

Disable C# Form resizing

form.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

Open Excel from C# as an idependent process

System.Diagnostics.Process excel = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); excel.StartInfo.FileName = "excel.exe"; //Open as readonly excel.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("/r \"{0}\"",@"c:\temp\test.xls"); excel.Start();

Reading XML file in C# using XPath expressions

An example how to read XML file using XPath expression to access elements and attributes. Sample XML file <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> < bookstore > < book genre = "autobiography" publicationdate = "1981-03-22" ISBN = "1-861003-11-0" > < title1 > The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin </ title1 > < author > < first - name > Benjamin </ first -name > < last - name > Franklin </ last -name > </ author > < price > 8.99 </ price > </ book > < book genre = "novel" publicationdate = "1967-11-17" ISBN = "0-201-63361-2" > < title1 > The Confidence Man </ title1 > < author > < first - name > Herman </ first -name > < last - name > Melville </ last -n...

Check if database table, view, stored procedure exists

-- check if table exists if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[TableName]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) -- do something GO -- check if view exists if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[ViewName]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1) -- do something GO -- check if stored procedure exists if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[StoredProcedureName]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) -- do something GO

SQL Server show user permissions for an object

EXEC sp_helprotect Table

SQL Server show database roles

EXEC sp_helprolemember

SQL Copy data from one table to another using join

UPDATE @SampleTable SET Name = t.Name FROM @SampleTable s JOIN Table1 t on t.Id = s.Id

SQL Table variable


Excel FaceID icons

This code shows toolbar with FaceID icons from 1 to 500. Updated the FOR loop to show the rest. There are few thousands of them. Sub CreateFaceIDMenu() Dim MyBar As CommandBar Dim MyPopup As CommandBarPopup Dim MyButton As CommandBarButton Dim i DeleteFaceIDMenu Set MyBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:="FaceID Icons", _ Position:=msoBarFloating, temporary:=True) With MyBar For i = 1 To 500 Set MyButton = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With MyButton .Style = msoButtonIcon .FaceId = i .Caption = i .Visible = True End With Next .Width = Application.Width .Top = 4 / 3 * (Application.Top + Application.Height) - .Height - 50 .Left = 4 / 3 * Application.Left + (4 / 3 * Application.Width - .Width) / 2 '850 .Visible = True End With End Sub Sub DeleteFaceIDMenu() On Error Resume Next ...

Create custom menu in Excel VBA

Public Sub CreateMenu() Dim MenuObject As CommandBarPopup Dim MenuItem As Object Dim SubMenuItem As Object On Error Resume Next DeleteMenu Set MenuObject = Application.CommandBars(1). _ Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, _ Before:=10, _ Temporary:=True) MenuObject.Caption = "&SampleMenu" ' Add menu Item with Icon (FaceId=424) Set MenuItem = MenuObject.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) MenuItem.OnAction = "RefreshOnly" MenuItem.Caption = "&Menu Item 1" MenuItem.FaceId = 424 ' Add another Menu Item after divider Set MenuItem = MenuObject.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) MenuItem.OnAction = "RefreshBondsVsRepos" MenuItem.Caption = "M&enu Item 2" MenuItem.FaceId = 425 MenuItem.BeginGroup = True End Sub Public Sub DeleteMenu() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("SampleMenu...

Convert datetime to varchar as yyyyMMdd in SQL Server

SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(8), [datetimecolumn], 112) FROM [table] More info about CONVERT

INKSCAPE - Open Source vector graphics editor

Quite impressive open source vector graphics editor similiar to Adobe Illustrator. Make sure you check the Tutorials section under Help menu.

Autosys Reference

* Listing Job/Box Information autorep -J [job/box name] //summary autorep -J [job/box name] -d //details autorep -J [job/box name] -q //definition (jil) autorep -r -2 -J [job/box name] -d //historical run info (-2 means 2 runs before) use % as wildcard for job/box name listing ex: autorep -J myjob1 autorep -J myjob% * Starting/Stopping Jobs sendevent -E [ event ] -J [job_name] Events - FORCE_STARTJOB - KILLJOB - JOB_ON_ICE - JOB_OFF_ICE - JOB_ON_HOLD - JOB_OFF_HOLD * Change Job Status sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -J Statues - SU - SUCCESS - RU - RUNNING - AC - ACTIVE - IN - INACTIVE - FA - FAILED - TE - TERMINATED - OI - ON ICE * Run JIL file cat [filename].jil | jil * Check if machine has autosys agent installed autoping -m <machine-name> -D * Tracks and reports changes to autosys DB autotrack -J [job/box name] -v autotrack -U [username] –v You can find more info here Official Autosys Cheatsheet

C# Updating GUI from different thread

void MyEventHandler( object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke( new EventHandler(MyEventHandler), new object [] { sender, e } ); } else { //update GUI here } } void MyEventHandler( object sender, MyEventArgs e) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke( new EventHandler<MyEventArgs>(MyEventHandler), new object [] { sender, e }); } else { //update GUI here } }

Events in C#

public class Messenger { public delegate void MessageEventHandler( object source, MessageEvent e); public event MessageEventHandler changed; public void Run() { fireMessageEvent("Message"); } private void fireMessageEvent(string text) { log.Info(text); if (changed != null ) { changed(this, new MessageEvent(text)); } } } public class MessageEvent : EventArgs { private readonly string message; public MessageEvent(string message) { this.message = message; } public string Message { get { return this.message; } } } public class Client { Messenger messenger = new Messenger(); public Client(){ messenger.changed += new Messenger.MessengerEventHandler(messenger_changed); } void messenger_changed( object source, MessageEvent e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }

Autoscroll in C# RichTextBox

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region WinAPI //WinAPI-Declaration for SendMessage [DllImport(" user32.dll ")] public static extern IntPtr SendMessage( IntPtr window, int message, int wparam, int lparam); const int WM_VSCROLL = 0x115; const int SB_BOTTOM = 7; #endregion SendMessage(richTextBox1.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0);


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