SQL Server pivoting data with dynamic sql
Example of how to dynamically generate sql statement to PIVOT data in SQL Server 2005 and above. You can put this code into stored procedure and use it instead of a view. I'm not aware of any alternative to that approach as you can't call stored procedure from the view and you can't dynamically define return table columns for table-valued functions.
CREATE TABLE #Attributes (id INT,name VARCHAR(50),value VARCHAR(50),dt DATETIME);INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (1,'Field1', 'A', '20080701');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (2,'Field1', 'B', '20080701');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (3,'Field1', 'C', '20080701');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (3,'Field2', 'X', '20080701');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (4,'Field1', 'D', '20080702');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (4,'Field2', 'X', '20080702');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (5,'Field1', 'E', '20080702');INSERT INTO #Attributes VALUES (5,'Field2', 'X', '20080702');SELECT * FROM #AttributesDECLARE @cols NVARCHAR(2000)DECLARE @colsmax NVARCHAR(2000)SELECT@cols = COALESCE(@cols + ',[' + Name + ']','[' + Name + ']'),@colsmax = COALESCE(@colsmax + ',MAX([' + Name + ']) ['+ Name +']','MAX([' + Name + ']) ['+ Name +']')FROM #AttributesGROUP BY NameORDER BY NameSELECT @colsSELECT @colsmaxDECLARE @query NVARCHAR(4000)SET @query = N'SELECT b.*FROM(SELECT id, dt, '+@colsmax +'
FROM (SELECT id, dt, name, valueFROM #Attributes) AS aPIVOT (max(Value) FOR Name IN ( '+ @cols +' )) AS PivotTableGROUP BY id, dt) b'SELECT @queryEXECUTE(@query)DROP TABLE #Attributes
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