
Showing posts from August, 2010

WPF blinking cell

< Window x : Class = "WpfTable.Window6" xmlns = "" xmlns : x = "" xmlns : dg = "" Title = "Window6" Height = "158" Width = "271" > < Window.Resources > < DataTemplate x : Key = "BlinkCellTemplate" > < TextBlock TextAlignment = "Center" x : Name = "tbMessage" Background = "White" Padding = "5,0,0,0" > < TextBlock.Text > < Binding Path = "Price" NotifyOnTargetUpdated = "True" > < Binding.StringFormat > {0:#.0000} </ Binding.StringFormat > </ Binding > </ TextBlock.Text > ...

How to run WPF (XBAP) application in Google Chrome

Install Firefox Mozilla (yes we're talking about Chrome here.. ) Add  C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox  to environment variable PATH 

WPF Binding Example and CustomConverter

< Window x : Class = "WpfTable.Window3" xmlns = "" xmlns : x = "" xmlns : local = "clr-namespace:WpfTable" DataContext = "{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" Title = "Window3" Height = "226" Width = "483" > < Window.Resources > < local : ColorConverter1 x : Key = "colorConverter" /> </ Window.Resources > < Grid DataContext = "{Binding Path=WindowViewModel}" > < StackPanel > < Grid Name = "grid1" DataContext = "{Binding Path=Player}" > < Grid.RowDefinitions > < RowDefinition Height = "Auto" /> < RowDefinition Height = "...

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) MVP Example


WPF DataTable with custom column header

< Window x : Class = "WpfTable.Window2" xmlns = "" xmlns : x = "" DataContext = "{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" Title = "WPF Tables" Height = "309" Width = "524" > < Window.Resources > < DataTemplate x : Key = "OverwriteHeaderTemplate" > < StackPanel > < TextBlock Grid . Column = "0" Grid . Row = "0" HorizontalAlignment = "Center" Text = "{Binding Path=ColumnName}" /> < TextBox x : Name = "overwriteText" Grid . Column = "0" Grid . Row = "1" Text = "{Binding Path=OverwriteText}" MinWidth = "30" Width = "{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,Ancestor...