
Showing posts from 2011

Migrating from Subversion to Mercurial

This is an alternative way of migrating from SVN to Mercurial using HgSubversion as oppose to using convert extension. It allows you to push changes from local Mercurial repository to both Subversion and Mercurial during the transition period. Install HgSubversion hg clone <local-path>\hgsubversion Add HgSubversion extension to your main hgrc file [extensions] hgsubversion = <local-path>\hgsubversion\hgsubversion Clone existing subversion repository hg clone http://<username >@<svn-project-path> <local-project-folder> Edit project .hgrc file (/hg/.hgrc) [paths] default = http://<username >@<hg-remote-project-path> svn = http://<username >@<svn-project-path> Create new mercurial project in your remote Hg repository (see Rhodecode ) Pushing the project to remote mercurial repository hg push Pushing to subversio...

Save window size & position in WPF

* Right Click on Settings.settings and Open With XML (Text) Editor * Add Top, Left, Height, Width & WindowState settings < Settings > < Setting Name = "Top" Type = "System.Double" Scope = "User" > < Value Profile = "(Default)" > 50 </ Value > </ Setting > < Setting Name = "Left" Type = "System.Double" Scope = "User" > < Value Profile = "(Default)" > 50 </ Value > </ Setting > < Setting Name = "Height" Type = "System.Double" Scope = "User" > < Value Profile = "(Default)" > 800 </ Value > </ Setting > < Setting Name = "Width" Type = "System.Double" Scope = "User" > < Value Profile = "(Default)" > 1200 </ Value > </ Setting > < Setting Name = "WindowSta...

RhodeCode open source HG (Mercurial) server

Download RhodeCode * Prerequisites * Install Python 2.5 or later * Add to PATH \Python27 and \Python27\Scripts folders * Install SetupTools Create \RhodeCode folder Install RhodeCode * easy_install rhodecode Configure RhodeCode * paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini * paster setup-app production.ini Run RhodeCode * paster serve production.ini Server is now running here http://localhost:8000 To change default host:port edit production.ini file More info about installation and setup

C# Deep & Shallow Copy/Clone

class Program { static void Main( string [] args) { var parent1 = new Parent() {Id = 1}; parent1.Children = new List<Child>(); parent1.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " One " }); parent1.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " Two " }); var parent2 = new Parent() { Id = 2 }; parent2.Children = new List<Child>(); parent2.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " One " }); parent2.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " Two " }); var parent3 = new Parent() { Id = 3 }; parent3.Children = new List<Child>(); parent3.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " One " }); parent3.Children.Add( new Child() { Name = " Two " }); var parentShallowCopy = parent1.ShallowCopy(); var parentDeepCopy = parent2.DeepCopy(); var parentDeepClone = parent3.DeepClone(); Console.WriteLine(" ORIGINAL(1) : {0} ", parent1); Console.WriteLine(" SHALLOW...

HG Mercurial Quick Setup Tutorial

Setting up Remote (build in) http server for multiple repositories * Create Directory Structure   - repo-root    |- Project1.hg    |- Project2.hg    hgweb.config    run.bat   * Edit hgweb.config as follows   [collections]   repos/ = .   [web]   style = gitweb   push_ssl = false   allow_push = *   * Edit run.bat as follows and run it   hg serve --webdir-conf hgweb.config Http Server is running on http://localhost:8000/     Setting up Remote Repository * Create Folder /repo-root/Project1.hg * Run hg init from within that folder Setting up Local Repository * Go to your local project directory /projects * Clone remote repository locally   hg clone http://localhost:8000/Project1.hg Project1 If you have an existing project and want to push it to remote repository * Run hg push http://localhost:8000/Proj...

Simple XML based C# Database

public class DatabaseMgr { public Database Database { get ; set ; } private static DatabaseMgr instance; private DatabaseMgr() { } public static DatabaseMgr Instance { get { if (instance == null ) { instance = new DatabaseMgr(); } return instance; } } //use temp path private static string PATH = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), " UserDatabase.xml "); public void Reload() { if (File.Exists(PATH)) { XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer( typeof (Database)); using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(PATH)) { Database = (Database)xs.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); } } else { Database = new Database(); } } public void Save() { XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof (Database)); using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(PATH)) { xmlSerializer.Serialize(write...

C# Log4Net configuration for multiple processes with date rolling

This example uses MinimalLock locking Model to allow multiple processes to write to the same file <appender name=" RollingFileAppender " type=" log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender "> <file value =" Log\\MyApp.log "/> <appendToFile value =" true "/> <rollingStyle value =" Date "/> <datePattern value =" .yyyyMMdd "/> <maxSizeRollBackups value =" 7 "/> <staticLogFileName value =" true "/> <threshold value =" INFO "/> <lockingModel type=" log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock " /> <layout type=" log4net.Layout.PatternLayout "> <conversionPattern value =" %d [%t] %-5p %c.%M():%L - %m%n "/> </layout> </appender> Click here for more detailed post about Log4Net configuration in console apps

C# Send email with embedded image

string mailserver = " mymailserver "; string subject = " Email with picture "; string body = " <html><body><h1>Picture</h1><br><img src=\"cid:Pic1\"></body></html> "; string to = " "; string from = " "; string imagePath = @" c:\temp\myimage.png "; AlternateView view = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, null , MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); LinkedResource pic = new LinkedResource(imagePath, MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif); pic.ContentId = " Pic "; view.LinkedResources.Add(pic); MailMessage m = new MailMessage(); m.AlternateViews.Add(view); m.From = new MailAddress(from); m.To.Add( new MailAddress(to)); m.Subject = subject; SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(mailserver); client.Send(m);

SQL Delete in batches based on date

This is a sample how to delete data in batches to avoid large transaction log. This is a simpler version of this example when I used 2 tables. DECLARE @MyTable TABLE ( Id int , DateUpdated DATETIME ) INSERT INTO @MyTable SELECT 1,DATEADD(d,-1,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 2,DATEADD(d,-2,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 3,DATEADD(d,1,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 4,DATEADD(d,2,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 5,DATEADD(d,-3,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 6,DATEADD(d,-2,GETDATE()) UNION SELECT 7,DATEADD(d,-4,GETDATE()) DECLARE @ date DATETIME SET @ date = GETDATE() PRINT CONVERT ( CHAR (19),GETDATE(),120) +' Deleting data in batches ' WHILE ( Exists ( SELECT 1 FROM @MyTable WHERE DateUpdated < @ date )) BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN PRINT CONVERT ( CHAR (19),GETDATE(),120) +' Deleting 2.. ' DELETE TOP (2) @MyTable FROM @MyTable WHERE DateUpdated < @ date COMMIT TRAN END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK END CATCH --SELECT * FRO...

Retry class implemented in functional C#

public class Retry { public static ILog _log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); int _retryAttempts = 3; int _retryWaitSeconds = 1; public Retry() { } public Retry( int retryAttempts, int retryWaitSeconds) { _retryAttempts = retryAttempts; _retryWaitSeconds = retryWaitSeconds; } public void Execute(Action action) { int attempt = 0; while (attempt++ < _retryAttempts) { try { if (_log.IsDebugEnabled) { _log.DebugFormat(" Retry attempt {0}/{1} ", attempt, _retryAttempts); } action(); return ; } catch (Exception e) { if (attempt >= _retryAttempts) { _log.ErrorFormat(" Retry failed with {0} attempts ", _retryAttempts); throw e; } int wait = _retryWaitSeconds * attempt; _log.Warn( string .Format(" Retry attempt {0}/{1} failed, waiting...