
Showing posts from July, 2011

Dynamic keyword in .Net 4.0 with ExpandoObject

[TestFixture] public class TestDynamic { [Test] public void Test() { dynamic test = new ExpandoObject(); test.FirstName = " Michael "; test.SecondName = " Jordan "; Console.WriteLine( string .Format(" {0} {1} ",test.FirstName,test.SecondName)); } }

C# Stopwatch to measure time

[TestFixture] public class TestStopwatch { [Test] public void test() { //using System.Diagnostics; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); //long running task int sleeptime = new Random().Next(1, 3)*1000; Console.WriteLine(" Running for ~{0}ms: ",sleeptime); Thread.Sleep(sleeptime); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString()); Console.WriteLine( new DateTime(stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks).ToString(" ss:fff ")); } }