
Showing posts from July, 2012

Embedding file as resource in dll

* In Visual Studio file properties set Build Action as Embedded Resource And then you can read a file using this code private static string ReadResourceFile( string defaultNamespace, string fileName) { var resource = string .Format(" {0}.{1} ", defaultNamespace, fileName); using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resource)) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { return sr.ReadToEnd(); } } }

Parse XML to object model in C# using XSD utility

* Run xsd Visual Studio command line utility to generate object from xsd file (from Visual Studio Command Prompt) * Then add the cs file to your project (same place as your xsd file) < xsd : schema xmlns : xsd = "" targetNamespace = "urn:contacts" xmlns : bks = "urn:contacts" > < xsd : element name = "contacts" type = "bks:Contacts" /> < xsd : complexType name = "Contacts" > < xsd : sequence > < xsd : element name = "contact" type = "bks:Contact" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" /> </ xsd : sequence > </ xsd : complexType > < xsd : complexType name = "Contact" > < xsd : sequence > < xsd : element name = "firstName" type = "xsd:string" /> < xsd : element name ...

Parse XML to dynamic object in C#

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> < contacts > < contact id = '1' > < firstName > Michael </ firstName > < lastName > Jordan </ lastName > < age > 40 </ age > < dob > 1965 </ dob > < salary > 100.35 </ salary > </ contact > < contact id = '2' > < firstName > Scottie </ firstName > < lastName > Pippen </ lastName > < age > 38 </ age > < dob > 1967 </ dob > < salary > 55.28 </ salary > </ contact > </ contacts > public class XmlToDynamic { public static void Parse(dynamic parent, XElement node) { if (node.HasElements) { if (node.Elements(node.Elements().First().Name.LocalName).Count() > 1) { //list var item = new ExpandoObject(); var list = new List<dynamic...

C# Scripting with Microsoft Roslyn

If you’re not familiar with Microsoft “Roslyn” please read Interactive C# Microsoft Roslyn . [TestFixture] public class TestScript { [Test] public void TestSimple() { var engine = new ScriptEngine(); Console.WriteLine(engine.Execute(" 1+1 ")); Console.WriteLine(engine.Execute< int >(" 1+1 ")); } [Test] public void TestSession() { var engine = new ScriptEngine(); var session = Session.Create(); engine.Execute(" int x = 1, y; ", session); engine.Execute(" if(x==1)y = 10; else y = 20; ",session); Console.WriteLine(engine.Execute(" y ", session)); } [Test] public void TestScriptFile() { var engine = new ScriptEngine(); ScriptContext context = new ScriptContext(); engine.ExecuteFile(" Test.csx ", context); } [Test] public void TestScriptFileHostObject() { var context = new ScriptContext(); var engine = new ScriptEn...

Log4Net Console in color

<? xml version="1.0" ?> < configuration > < configSections > < section name = "log4net" type = "log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net" /> </ configSections > < log4net > < appender name = "Console" type = "log4net.Appender.ColoredConsoleAppender" > < mapping > < level value = "ERROR" /> < foreColor value = "Red, HighIntensity" /> </ mapping > < mapping > < level value = "WARN" /> < backColor value = "Yellow" /> < foreColor value = "Blue, HighIntensity" /> </ mapping > < mapping > < level value = "INFO" /> < foreColor value = "White" /> </ mapping > < layout type = "log4net.Layout.P...

Interactive C# Microsoft Roslyn

Microsoft Roslyn CTP adds Interactive C# window to Visual Studio 2010/2012 and adds support for scripting and interactive use of C# It also allows you to write script files *.csx The easiest way to initialize C# Interactive window is to right click on any C# project and choose 'Reset Interactive from Project' from context menu Then you can execute any C# code from your project public class Sample { public List< string > Run() { return new List< string >(){" One "," Two "," Three "," Four "}; } } To execute script use #load command Other useful commands #r " .\myproject.exe " //loads executable or dll #load " .\setup.csx " //loads script And this is good introduction to Microsoft “Roslyn”

C# Crop white space from around the image

This code will crop the image based on all white and transparent pixels from around the image public static Bitmap CropWhiteSpace(Bitmap bmp) { int w = bmp.Width; int h = bmp.Height; int white = 0xffffff; Func< int , bool > allWhiteRow = r => { for ( int i = 0; i < w; ++i) if ((bmp.GetPixel(i, r).ToArgb() & white) != white) return false ; return true ; }; Func< int , bool > allWhiteColumn = c => { for ( int i = 0; i < h; ++i) if ((bmp.GetPixel(c, i).ToArgb() & white) != white) return false ; return true ; }; int topmost = 0; for ( int row = 0; row < h; ++row) { if (!allWhiteRow(row)) break ; topmost = row; } int bottommost = 0; for ( int row = h - 1; row >= 0; --row) { if (!allWhiteRow(row)) break ; bottommost = row; } int leftmost = 0, rightmost = 0; for ( int col = 0; col < w; ++col) { if ...

C# LINQ GroupBy example

public void TestGroupBy() { var people = new [] { new { Name=" John ", City=" London ", Side=" South ", Age=20}, new { Name=" John ", City=" London ", Side=" North ", Age=55}, new { Name=" Eli ", City=" London ", Side=" North ", Age=39}, new { Name=" Anna ", City=" NY ", Side=" North ", Age=23}, new { Name=" Marc ", City=" NY ", Side=" South ", Age=51}, new { Name=" Julie ", City=" NY ", Side=" South ", Age=67}, }.ToList(); var ageByCitySide = people .GroupBy(p => new {p.City, p.Side}) .Select(r => new {r.Key.City, r.Key.Side, AverageAge = r.Average(p => p.Age)}) .OrderBy(p=>p.AverageAge); foreach (var p in ageByCitySide) { Console.WriteLine(" {0},{1} AvgAge:{2} ",p.City,p.Side,p.AverageAge); } var youngOldBy...